The Idiot Index: A Solo Entrepreneur’s Guide to First Principles Thinking, Inspired by Elon Musk

Adam Gelencser
3 min readMar 14, 2024


Are you a solo entrepreneur looking for the secret sauce that could rocket-propel your business into the stratosphere? Well, look no further! Let’s dive into a concept that’s as intriguing as Elon Musk’s Twitter feed: the Idiot Index. Before you raise an eyebrow, no, this isn’t about rating the foolishness of your competitors (or yourself, on a bad day). It’s a brilliant, if not slightly cheeky, methodology inspired by none other than the tech mogul and space visionary himself, Elon Musk.



Adam Gelencser

Tech enthusiast, currently entrepreneuring — regularly sharing content on tech news and irregularly on other topics. Founder of video AI tool.